Remote Internship Program
Students Publish Research
Gaining meaningful life science research experience is a significant challenge for students in smaller universities or colleges throughout the U.S. Robust research experience helps students transition into the workforce after their bachelor’s degree and is often a requirement for graduate or professional training programs.
The Center for Genomic Interpretation provides opportunities for students to work remotely on mentored research projects in genetics and to potentially submit their work to CGI’s peer-reviewed scientific journal.
“I loved remotely interning at CGI. I gained so much exposure to the fields of genetic counseling and variant science and learned so much about their complexity and nuances. The projects I worked on were interesting and engaging and I really felt like I was able to contribute to meaningful work.”
-Sara S.
“If you’re interested in making meaningful connections, being a part of a team, doing exciting research, working with a tight knit group of highly intelligent and talented people, getting your name on publications, and making the world a better place, being an intern at CGI is for you. I left my internship there feeling like my knowledge of genetics and variant classification in particular had increased 100-fold”
-Sydney P.
All Encouraged to Apply
CGI is committed to providing opportunities to talented students from all backgrounds. To apply to CGI’s remote volunteer internship program, please send an email to with the following information:
- Name
- GPA and educational experience after high school (the program is targeted towards students who have completed 2 to 4 years of undergraduate study)
- Summary of any previous research experience (not required)
- Availability: How many hours per week are you available? What times work best for trainings and meetings?
- Start and end dates of available to volunteer with CGI for a remote internship
Research internships are available on a rolling schedule, so there is no set deadline to apply. CGI will work with colleges and universities, when possible, to assign research credit to students.
Please direct all questions to